P2P IoT software framework paper accepted at AIoTAS 2017 @ISCA'17

jollen 發表於 October 19, 2017 2:03 PM

My paper titled “Devify: Decentralized Internet of Things Software Framework for a Peer-to-Peer and Interoperable IoT Device” has been accepted by the Advances in IoT Architecture and Systems (AIoTAS 2017), as co-located at ISCA 2017, taking in place in Toronto, Canada in June 2017. The paper proposes Devify, an open source software framework for peer-to-peer IoT networks.

Also, the nature of the distributed ledger technology (DLT) has a large opportunity to toward a more secure and trusted IoT network. Therefore, this paper has already developed Flowchain, the blockchain for the IoT, to practically prove the concept of this work.

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