大家都知道,OpenMoko 是一個完全 open source 的專案,在 9/23 日的 ABC News 裡,也特別報導了 OpenMoko 專案,並強調 OpenMoko 的開放特性。報導全文與影片,可由以下網址瀏覽:
我的同事 Chelsea 特別製作了逐字稿,在此特別感謝,並將全文與大家分享。
You've seen the iphone by now, but maybe you have a better idea. Members of Home Brew mobile phone club from Menlo Park are designing and making their own phones. How do they do it? Richard Hart takes us to the club where the FOSS are dialed in on building a better phone from scratch.
你們現在已經看到 iPhone 了,但你可能有更好的想法。Home Brew 行動電話俱樂部裡來自 Menlo Park 的成員正在設計,並行銷他們自己的電話。他們是如何辦到的?Richard Hart 帶領我們到俱樂部,這裡 FOSS 正在重新建立一個更好的電話。
The one on the left is the iPhone, the other is a MyPhone, a do-it-yourself, my size, my color, my features mobile device.
左邊這一個是 iPhone,另一個是 MyPhone,一個可以 DIY 自己的大小、自己的顏色、自己的特色的行動電話。
It is a product of the Home Brew Mobile Phone Club, in the tradition of legendary Home Brew Computer Club, members have day job, but volunteer their skills in software, hardware and design. A company called Gumstix donates circuitry. But why?
這是 Home Brew 行動電話俱樂部的產品,Home Brew Computer Club 裡一般來說,裡頭的成員都有自己的平常工作,但自願付出他們的技能在軟體、硬體與設計上。一家叫做 Gumstix 的公司捐獻電路。為什麼這麼做呢?
I am still waiting for Motorola or Palm or someone to build the exact phone that I want, that has all the features that I want. And a lot of people here found themselves in that situation.
我仍然在等待 Motorola 或 Palm 或有人來建造我真正想要的那個電話,有著所有我想要的特點。這裡有許多人也發現他們自己也處於這樣的情況。
They aren't alone, so-called open-source projects like this are springing up around the world. The most successful so far is this: the Neo 1973 designed to be plugged into a computer and completely customized with the software tool called OpenMoko.
他們並不孤單,被稱為 open source 的專案正在全球興起。目前為止最成功的就是這個:Neo1973 被設計成可以接到電腦,並可透過稱為 OpenMoko 的軟體工具來完全客製化。
Let's say that you wanted to change the way the touch screen operates. Fine. Let's say you wanted to program the GPS in the phone. Fine. And what if you wanted an accelerometer, a kind of motion detector? That's also fine.
我們說,你想要改變觸控螢幕的操作方案。沒問題。我們說,你想要程式化電話裡的 GPS。沒問題。如果你想要一個 accelerometer,一種動作偵測器。也沒問題。
The point of the open source phone movement is: if you can imagine it, you should be able to program it.
In fact, we shouldn't even limit it to programmers. We have people who have joined the project who are, for instances, musicians or graphic designers. And they're helping with things like icons and ring tones.
事實上,我們甚致不應對程式設計者限制它。我們己經有參與這個專案的人了,例如有音樂家或繪圖設計家。他們正在協助像是 icon 或是鈴聲的工作。
So what we would like to see is the completely innovative, creative, fantastic (almost) application that we just can't even imagine now. And that is the benefit to the consumers.
Any consumer product is many months away. But a developer version can be purchased online now, and anyone can download the Openmoko software absolutely free. Even the Home Brew Club is turning to OpenMoko to help turn their Frankenphone into Cinderella.
任何對消費者的產品還要再幾個月。但開發者版本現在己經可以由線上購買了,而且任何人都可以免費下載 OpenMoko 軟體。即便是 HomeBrew Club 也轉向 OpenMoko,來幫助將他們的 Frankenphone 轉換為 Cinderalla.
With one ring tone that rules them all! Richard Hart from ABC
在 11/17 所舉辦的 OpenMoko OpenLab 開幕活動中,我們也會介紹如何下載並安裝 OpenMoko 軟體。有興趣的朋友可參考 [COSCUP 2007 演講簡報下載] 日記,目前開放線上報名。
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